ABF Series: 1 Samuel – Lesson 6


In our Adult Bible Fellowships we have observed in our Study of 1 Samuel that God is our Help. His people humble themselves in repentance and cry out to God for protection. After God delivers them in a mighty way, Samuel set up a huge monument at Ebenezer to remind the people that ‘thus far the Lord has helped us”

And as we think about all the ways the Lord has helped His people in the past, it is important to remember He will help His people in the future. His help is both in merciful deliverance as we cry out to Him, but also His help is to know Him and to relate to Him on the basis of His word.

Some takeaways from last week:

  1. Remember genuine repentance takes time and brokenness over sin. It is tangible, and requires turning away from something you want in order to serve the Lord.
  2. I am most secure when I cry out in desperation to the Lord
  3. Remember How the Lord has helped you and trust that He will continue to do so. Christ is the same yesterday today and tomorrow. (Heb 13:8)


1 Samuel 8:1-10:16 – Saul, a King in God’s place

In preparation for our lesson on Sunday please read the section listed above and make note what stands out to you in the narrative. Particularly what do you learn about God’s people and what do you learn about God. Then please think about the following discussion questions.

  1. Read Deu 17:14-20 and consider what is to be different about a king over Israel compared to other nations?
  2. Being Holy is about being set apart, different than the world around us. God is set apart and His people are to be set apart. In what way do you see in your life not wanting to be set apart for God?
  3. How do you see God sovereignly providing, assuring and equipping reguarding Saul? How does the way you see God working help you better understand His kingdom.

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Dustin Folden
Pastor Dustin Folden and his wife Trisha joined the Pastoral Staff in 2010. They have two children, Sawyer and Mackenna who absolutely love children’s ministries, mostly because of the singing and snacks. Pastor Folden shepherds the 9:30 worship service, oversees the Adult Bible Fellowship ministry, as well as serves in the Biblical Counseling Ministries.