ABF Series: The Gospel of Mark Lesson 13, 14 & 15


In our Adult Bible Fellowships we learned in our bible study over the Gospel of Mark that Mark wrote to Christians in Rome to encourage and strengthen their faith. And He focuses the narrative on two main questions.

  1. Who is Jesus? (1:1-8:30)
  2. What does Jesus expect from those who follow him? (8:31-16:8)

The main point of Mark 4:35-8:30 is that for Jesus to be seen properly, Jesus must be viewed by faith. Without faith, Jesus is the one who is seen but not recognized and the one who is heard but not understood

Lesson 13 – Mark 6:1-32Notice how Jesus chooses to use disciples to accomplish his mission, and in light of John the baptist beheading we learn discipleship is costly, so faith in Christ is paramount.

  • DISCUSS – How does Jesus being without honor in his hometown and with people who know Him best challenge you in your relationship with Christ?
  • DISCUSS – What are some things that distract us from the mission, and how can we overcome those distractions.

Lesson 14 – Mark 6:33-56 – Notice the feeding of the 5000 and walking on water are amazing events, but they reveal the hard hearts of the disciples. cf. Exodus 33:19-23, Exod 34:6, Job 9:8, 11

  • DISCUSS – What observations do you make of Jesus the disciples and why do they stand out to you?
  • DISCUSS –  Do you notice that Jesus sent the disciples away and dismissed the crowd himself. What might be some of the reasons for that?
  • DISCUSS –  How would this last section particularly encourage Marks gentile readers?

Lesson 15 – Mark 7:1-23Faith in Jesus must not just be external acts, but require a heart focus. Notice how hand washing and ‘Corban’ miss the heart focus. cf. Lev 27:28

  • DISCUSS – What are some things we can just do the activity of but not focus on the heart?
  • DISCUSS – What contrasts do you notice in verses 8-9?
  • DISCUSS – What are some ways people invent spiritual reasons to disobey God’s commands?
Dustin Folden
Pastor Dustin Folden and his wife Trisha joined the Pastoral Staff in 2010. They have two children, Sawyer and Mackenna who absolutely love children’s ministries, mostly because of the singing and snacks. Pastor Folden shepherds the 9:30 worship service, oversees the Adult Bible Fellowship ministry, as well as serves in the Biblical Counseling Ministries.