Serving Orphans in the Dominican Republic

A team of 15 from 3 partnering churches traveled to Santiago, Dominican Republic, to serve in an orphanage housing 80 children from newborns to 17 year olds.

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Our primary purpose was to train nearly 40 staff members in biblical counseling principles with role plays, common communication and conflict scenarios, Q&A, and hands-on training. Three staff members from Vision of Hope spent 4 days training the staff while the other team members served the children in the orphanage so that the orphanage staff could attend the training. A few ambitious team members even painted several baby cribs in an attempt to serve Fundacion Red de Misericordia ( with excellence.

The trip was an amazing success. Much preparation preceded the trip with our team investing in Vacation Bible Study activities, pictures, and teaching to share with the children during the staff training. Our team bonded so well during the trip that provided opportunities to be stretched out of our comfort zones. One comment from a team member following the trip reflected a deeper understanding of God’s love: “Today I have a better understanding of my adoption in Christ now that I have a better understanding of the life of an orphan.”

Overall, our goals to glorify Christ, share the hope of the gospel, serve the orphanage with excellence, and love one another were accomplished by God’s grace.

Our next steps are as follows:

  1. We want to provide mid-term missionaries to serve in this orphanage for a one year commitment. Vision of Hope is currently searching for two young ladies to serve in this capacity. The plan is to raise $16,000.00 to sponsor both of them to live there for a year. For more information about this opportunity to serve and to give, contact VOH at 765-447-5900 or visit our website at:
  2. We would like to send another short-term missions team down to do construction projects for the orphanage. No date has been set for this but if you would like to be involved, email: for more information.

We are thankful that God allowed us to serve in this way!

Mark Shaw
Mark Shaw has 22 years of counseling experience working in a variety of settings including faith-based residential programs, dealing with issues surrounding “addictions” of all types, and supervising staff positions. His experience in the biblical counseling field began in 2001. He has written 14 published works including The Heart of Addiction; Relapse: Biblical Prevention Strategies; Divine Intervention: Hope and Help for Families of Addicts; Addiction-Proof Parenting; and Hope and Help for Self-Injurers/Cutters. He also co-authored a chapter in Christ-Centered Biblical Counseling (2013).