We are so excited for our new interns who just joined our team at the beginning of the year! To already see them growing and serving has been such a blessing, and we cannot wait to see how God uses them this year.
For the next few weeks, we will be introducing our new interns! Today, it is our privilege to introduce to you Julianne! Julianne came to us from the state of Michigan, and is eager to learn and grow during her time here. We hope you are encouraged, as Julianne shares her story with us.
“I was raised in a Christian home. As I grew older, I started to turn inward and turn away from God. I found my own way of dealing with any pain and hurt that happened. Through this time I knew what was right but I knew that it would mean I would have to change my behavior and turn way from sin. But God in his mercy and graciousness kept reminding me of the truth through his word and through many other sources. In the spring of 2009 I came to the end of myself realizing that I was a sinner and that I couldn’t save myself and that God was the only one who could save me. I repented and turned to God. I still have many things that I am growing in but God has been faithful to me revealing to me ways that I can grow and become more like Him.
I heard about VOH form a former Intern. I didn’t know much about it, but I did think is sounded like a really great place. Later, I heard about it in more detail at the ACBC conference and I knew that it was a place that I would love to serve. Last year I came to the conference again and God really put it on my heart that I should apply!
I am excited to learn how to best serve God. How to lean on God in everything that happens and to grow in my knowledge of Him through this year. I don’t have any definite plans for the future right now, but I would like to continue in ministry especially to teen girls. I also love to help with therapeutic Horseback riding. I don’t know how God will use me or those things but I am excited to see what he has in store!”
Thank you for sharing, Julianne! We are so glad to have you on our team!
If you are interested in joining our team as an intern, or to receive more information about our internship program, contact Jenn Breitwieser at jbreitwieser@faithlafayette.org.