In our Adult Bible Fellowships we have observed in our Study of 1 Samuel that a leader seeks the Lord’s instruction, is willing to wait on the Lord, and is focused on caring for the needy as they recognize their own neediness before God. Remember also that:
- God graciously provides and protects us often even when we are foolish.
- Leaders are to humble themselves, listen to the word of the Lord, and help the needy.
- View the wicked events of sinful men through the grid of God’s ultimate plan and sovereignty.
1 Samuel 23– God’s Provision
In preparation for our lesson on Sunday please read the section listed above and observe what stands out to you in the narrative. Notice how God provides deliverance, instruction and encouragement. Make special note of how you see God’s sovereignty displayed.
Also, please think about the following discussion questions:
- How do you see David functioning as a man after God’s own heart?
- How does Jonathan’s encouragement help you think about how you can be an encouragement to others?
- What are some ways that people have encouraged you with truth about God’s character and His promises that have helped you?
- What was most helpful to you as you consider being a man/woman after God’s own heart?
Extra Credit: Read David’s song when the Ziphites turned him in. Psalm 54
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