In our Adult Bible Fellowships we have observed in our Study of 1 Samuel that God is sovereignly protecting and guiding David, and providing lasting encouragement. Also we learned:
- Seek to put off control that reverences yourself in everyday situations even if they seem delivered to you on a platter.
- Entrust yourself to the Lord daily, by waiting…trusting in His promises…particularly the timing of them, and they way they will be fulfilled.
- Short Cuts and sanctification simply don’t go together as God’s plan of redemption is a masterpiece of God glorifying Himself.
1 Samuel 25 – God’s Restraint
In preparation for our lesson on Sunday please read the section listed above and observe what stands out to you in the narrative. Are there any similarities or differences compared to the previous chapter?
Also, please think about the following discussion questions:
- What do you learn about Nabal from the text? How does Abigail model humility?
- Think of a time when you applied God’s truth, and then a similar situation came up but you don’t apply the same truth that you did before?
- What was most helpful to you as you consider being a man/woman after God’s own heart?
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