In our Adult Bible Fellowships we learned in our bible study over the Gospel of Mark that:
- The book of Mark is a biography of Jesus…so it is good to ask what does the author want us to learn about Jesus
- The author writes to Roman Christians who grew up in unbelieving homes without the background of Jewish Customs and Scripture.
- Mark wrote to Christians in Rome to encourage and strengthen their faith.
Mark speaks to two main questions.
- Who is Jesus? (1:1-8:30)
- What does Jesus expect from those who follow him? (8:31-16:8)
So far we have seen that the Gospel of Mark answers the first question as follows
- Mark 1:1-13 = Jesus is Yahweh, God Himself Come to earth
- Mark 1:14-20 = Jesus is on a mission, to call people to repent and believe in the Gospel.
- Mark 1:21-45 = Jesus has authority over Satan and Sickness
1:21-28: Demon-possessed man
1:29-31: Peter’s Mother In law
1:32-34: People from all over the region with sicknesses and demons
1:35-39: Jesus leaves the area to preach despite the desire for more to be healed
1:40-45: The unclean man who is made clean by Jesus
So in preparation for ABF on Sunday please read the passages listed below and think about the following discussion questions.
- What stands out in v1-12 about Jesus teaching and the people’s response?
- What was the Paralytic looking for and what did he receive?
- What do you learn about Jesus from this discourse? cf. Isaiah 43:25, 44:22
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