ABF Series: Revelation Lesson 13


In our Adult Bible Fellowships we have observed in Revelation that:

  1. There is comfort and encouragement that comes from a God who is in control.
  2. It is important for us to have the perspective of heaven. (Col 3:1-4)
  3. God has great concern for the prayers of the saints. (Rev 8:4)
  4. We are to be aware of the real spiritual battle and put on the armor of God. (Eph 6:12)
  5. The judgment of God is terrifyingly awesome.
  6. We are to cultivate thankfulness that as a Christian I will not experience the wrath of God.
  7. The significance of the creator/redeemer God fuels heavens worship and our worship.
  8. The chronological story line is a blessing to see the things that are and the things that come after (Rev 4:1)…this helps us focus on living holy lives now and repenting quickly if we are not putting the lamb of God in His rightful place in our lives.


So in preparation for the next lesson of Revelation please read the passage listed below and think about the following discussion questions.

Revelation 15:1-16:21, Exodus 15, Deuteronomy 32

  1. How are you encouraged by the connectedness of the bible?
  2. How does seeing the lack of repentance of man even in extreme judgment help you appreciate the Holy Spirit?
  3. How does God’s ultimate plan of redemption help you live a godly life now?

Pray that God’s living and active word would help us cultivate a greater love for Him and heed the words of this portion of scripture. Rev 1:3

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Dustin Folden
Pastor Dustin Folden and his wife Trisha joined the Pastoral Staff in 2010. They have two children, Sawyer and Mackenna who absolutely love children’s ministries, mostly because of the singing and snacks. Pastor Folden shepherds the 9:30 worship service, oversees the Adult Bible Fellowship ministry, as well as serves in the Biblical Counseling Ministries.