ABF Series: 1 Samuel – Lesson 21


In our Adult Bible Fellowships we have observed in our Study of 1 Samuel that what we say to ourselves influences where we seek deliverance from. Often our thoughts can be void of God and that usually leads us to a bigger difficulty than when we started.

  1. Think about what you say to yourself over and over…does it reverence the Lord?
  2. There is no shortcut to wisdom, and wisdom is not man-centered.
  3. God is the Hero of the Bible…is He the Hero of your story?


1 Samuel 28 – Saul, Medium or Large?

In preparation for our lesson on Sunday please read the section listed above and observe what stands out to you in the narrative. Also please read Deu 18:9-22 to get some background on what the bible says about witchcraft.

Also, please think about the following discussion questions:

  1. How does the interruption of the David predicament with the Saul predicament strike you? What is the author doing in arranging the text like this?
  2. What are the two reasons Saul is distressed?
  3. What stands out to you about Saul’s decision to seek information from a medium?
  4. Compare the narrator’s comments in v6 with Saul’s comments in v15, what is different, and is there anything from earlier in 1 Samuel that this may remind us of?

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Dustin Folden
Pastor Dustin Folden and his wife Trisha joined the Pastoral Staff in 2010. They have two children, Sawyer and Mackenna who absolutely love children’s ministries, mostly because of the singing and snacks. Pastor Folden shepherds the 9:30 worship service, oversees the Adult Bible Fellowship ministry, as well as serves in the Biblical Counseling Ministries.