ABF Series: 1 Samuel – Lesson 13


In our Adult Bible Fellowships we have observed in our Study of 1 Samuel that David’s biggest concerns was not Goliath, but the honor of the Living God. How will the living God impact your everyday situations big and small such that His glory will be the most important?

  1. God’s honor is the most heavy weight in the universe.
  2. God delights in using the weak things to defeat the prideful.
  3. Faith is stepping out and trusting that God will work for his namesake


1 Samuel 18-19– God’s Favor & Protection

In preparation for our lesson on Sunday please read the section listed above and observe what stands out to you in the narrative. How do you see God’s favor and protection over David? How does seeing God’s favor and protection against the backdrop of Sauls anger toward David help you trust the Lord? How does it help you walk in humility?

Also, please think about the following discussion questions:

  1. What are some of the main themes you see emphasized in chapter 18?
  2. What are all the ways that Saul tries to kill David?
  3. What are the various ways we see the Lord’s protection of David?

Extra Credit: Read Psalm 59 and consider what David was going through as he wrote that Psalm.

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Dustin Folden
Pastor Dustin Folden and his wife Trisha joined the Pastoral Staff in 2010. They have two children, Sawyer and Mackenna who absolutely love children’s ministries, mostly because of the singing and snacks. Pastor Folden shepherds the 9:30 worship service, oversees the Adult Bible Fellowship ministry, as well as serves in the Biblical Counseling Ministries.