So far in our interns series, we have followed Megan in her travels to Haiti, witnessed God’s pursuing love in Annie’s life, and experienced the great redemption of Christ through Christy’s story! I hope these testimonies have been as encouraging to everyone reading them as they have been for me.
In this post, I would like to introduce you to Kelly! Kelly came to us in July, 2014. She is a missionary kid and lived in Ireland for 20 years. Knowing that she needed more training in order to continue serving Christ overseas, Kelly moved to the States with her parents 2 years ago. She heard about the internship program while attending the annual Biblical Counseling Training Conference in February, and was able to tour Vision of Hope. When she went home, God make it clear to Kelly that this is where He wants her to be for the next year! She is excited about learning to refrain from relying on or giving her own wisdom, and instead rely on God’s wisdom (the Word). She is looking forward to Vision of Hope pushing her to grow and be more like Christ in a variety of ways.
Welcome, Kelly! Let’s listen in as Kelly shares about God’s deep, pursuing love – even for little children!
“I was very young when I received Christ. I vaguely remember the actual event, but my mom tells it well: When I was little – as my Mom tells the story – she had been praying and asking God to give her an opportunity to share Christ with someone. She was a stay-at-home mom, and didn’t get a lot of interaction with people because she was at home with my younger brother and I, and she longed to share Christ. When she started praying, she was assuming God would answer her prayer in a different way than how He answered, but is so thankful He did answer this way! I began asking her a lot of questions about salvation and how I might be saved. She did not want to pressure me, and answered my questions, but did not push it. She said that I kept asking, and eventually, when she saw that I understood and that it seemed that the Holy Spirit was behind this, she prayed with me. I vaguely remember this, and through my teen years I doubted my salvation often, but through prayer and seeking Him, He has encouraged me in my salvation and pressed me to grow in Him. : ) He is my greatest friend, and I am so grateful for a loving Mother who taught me how to know Him.
I believe The Lord is calling me to full-time missions overseas. Very possibly that is back in Ireland, a country where so many of the people have been abused. If is it the Lord’s will, I plan to go back and share The Gospel with these hurting people, and be used by Him to ‘heal the broken’ and ‘set the prisoners free.’ I praise Him now for what He is going to do!”
Thank you, Kelly! What a great reminder that we don’t have to live in doubt – we can indeed be assured of our Salvation (Romans 10:9)!
Keep checking in for more stories of God’s sacrificial love.