It has been a true honor and privilege so far to hear from our current interns as they share their stories of Christ’s redemption! Today, I would like to introduce you to let another one of our wonderful servants. Timea came to us in January, 2014. She was a missionary kid, born in Hungary. She was raised in upstate New York and the Czech Republic. Timea learned about Vision of Hope while attending Word of Life Bible Institute in New York, and God led her here!
We are very thankful for Timea and the time she has spent with us so far. Please be encouraged as Timea shares about how God radically took hold of her life:
“As a young child my parents told me of a God who made everything. I also learned that the bad things I did separated me from Him and soon learned about the way that I could know Him and be in a relationship with Him through Jesus’ death and resurrection. When I was 4 years old, I put my trust in Jesus’ taking my sin and my punishment to be saved.
Although I was surrounded by good teaching from the Bible, it wasn’t until I was 13 that I really started to care. God answered some of my prayers and I saw His care for me personally. He also gave me friends who really loved God. Through time with God and godly friends, God began challenging me and teaching me what it meant to be a Christian and to follow Him.
In High School, some of my beliefs about God were really challenged in some difficult situations. At the time, I was trying to figure out how what I had learned my whole life about God lined up with what I saw happening. I praise God that in that time He brought a wise, mature Christian woman into my life who loved God. As she spoke about Him, I saw His heart and His love in the stories that were so familiar, and it gave me a love for Him. She also shared with me the importance of keeping the truths of God and the Gospel in my focus at all times. Doing this over the past few years, my relationship with Him has continued to deepen. He continues to bring me through challenges and reveal my sinful heart, but as I go back to the teachings of the Gospel and His Word I have a foundation and a place to go with my questions and difficulties.
As God is working in me now, I hope to continue to look more like Jesus and bring glory to God, so that is what I am trying to focus on for my next steps. My dream job would be to be a missionary overseas.”
I also asked Timea to share what she has learned so far during her 8 months as an intern. She answers:
“I don’t even know where to start! There are so many things God has taught me. The most foundational one in my time here is learning why I do things the way I do and why I struggle with sin—my desires! James writes that it is our desires that make us struggle with sin. Since being at Vision of Hope, I’ve begun to see what often are my driving desires. It’s been a difficult and uncomfortable learning experience to see my own sin and my desires to please myself and make myself look good, more than I want to please God and make him look good.”
Thank you, Timea, for sharing your story and reminding us that it’s not about what we want – it’s all about God! Keep checking in to read more stories of God’s transforming love!