It is always our privilege to provide training to godly women through our internship program. Some of our interns come seeking experience to help them grow in being a bright light for Christ in practical, every day situations, and some women come seeking training to bring back to their own churches or to help in other ministries. It is always very exciting to see how our interns use the experience and knowledge that they gain at VOH in so many other avenues years after they leave us.
One of our newest interns is Sarah. Sarah came to us in January, 2015 from Temerance, Michigan. I have asked her to give us a little glimpse into her testimony, what brought her to VOH, and how she would like to be used of God in the future. Please be encouraged, as Sarah shares her story:
“I asked Jesus to be my Savior at the age of 3, but struggled with doubt and sinful choices I was making in junior high and high school. The Lord used those struggles to draw me to Himself to teach me about His Holiness and His love displayed by the perfect sacrifice of His Son, Jesus, to pay for the penalty of my sin. I dedicated my life to Him around the age of 17.
I learned about VOH after I had arrived home from a missions trip to Asia. I knew that I needed to pursue Biblical counseling, and one week after arriving home, I heard about Vision of Hope at one of Faith’s regional conferences. Many people from the church encouraged me to consider serving this ministry, and I want to continue to grow in wisdom and understanding of God’s Word to minister to the Body of Christ. I’m excited to learn more about how to Biblically love the Body of Christ well and how that is displayed in daily life and speech. I’m also so thankful to be in an environment where I can learn how to counsel others and my own heart Biblically. In the future, I would like to use my training in Biblical counseling and skills as a dietitian on the foreign missions field or being involved with local missions, continuing to stay involved with international students through college outreach ministries.”
How exciting it is to see how God is working in Sarah’s life, and her sincere desire to serve the Lord on the mission field! Stay tuned for more encouraging stories from our interns in the weeks to come!