I recently had a chance to talk with long-term FCS staff member Nicole Hume about why she has chosen to keep teaching at Faith and to enroll her own children at Faith.
Q: Why do you teach at Faith Christian School?
A: If I didn’t believe it was the best educational choice, I’d be somewhere else. We were at [another school] tonight for a volleyball scrimmage. They beat us. In a beautiful auxiliary gym – not even the main gym. If my kids were somewhere else, they’d probably have a nicer place to play. I looked at the school map, they have classroom facilities we don’t have… nice big science rooms, and yet, I wouldn’t even think of putting my kids there because I really, really, really do believe FCS is the best place for them.
Q: Why is Faith Christian School the best place for your own children?
A: Because I care about more than space and programs and winning. I care about character and love for Jesus and living a life that honors Him. I don’t want my kids just trained to give “Sunday School answers” – I want them to really, really love Jesus and to really, really want to honor Him. I want teachers who aren’t satisfied with the job they’ve done with my kids unless they are seeing that in their lives.
Q: Please, tell me what you really, really want. I feel like you’re not telling me what you want for your children.
A: Ha! Next question.
Q: What do you love about teaching at Faith Christian School?
A: In my science class, we’ve had lots of “devotion” time together these last two weeks. I want them to see the superiority of a life lived for Christ and that our goal is that for them, I want to be able to say, “I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in truth.”
Q: What do you want to tell parents thinking about enrolling their children at Faith Christian School?
A: I believe so much in what we are doing to prepare students to serve God with their life [Editor’s note: Part of our mission is students that live effectively in God’s world] that I take it personally when parents decide on a school other than FCS. I’m not judging parents, but I’m so excited about what we’re doing here, I want every Christian parent to see that value and choose us for their child’s education.