As many of you know, Vision of Hope has two goals of disciple-making for women. Our first goal is to come alongside young women who are struggling with life-dominating sins, providing intensive counsel and help for them as they learn to find freedom through Christ. Our second goal is to train other women who desire to learn more about biblical counseling and how to help others who are stuck in sin. This training is provided through our internship program.
Ladies who come for our internship program come to us from all over the world, dedicating a year of their lives to serving our ministry and growing in the Lord. Our interns are responsible for supervising the residents in our program, helping them throughout the day as problems and struggles may arise, and pointing them to Christ and His Word. Our interns also have the opportunity to sit in on counseling sessions and participate in issue-specific training sessions with our director and staff members. We are endlessly thankful for the ladies who come to serve us in this way; without them, we would not be able to serve as many ladies in our program as we do today.
An amazing thing about our internship is that not only are these ladies learning about biblical counseling and how to help other ladies who are struggling, but also – and perhaps even more so – the internship challenges and grows them in ways they may have never before experienced. It is safe to say that each lady who leaves Vision of Hope after completing her internship can list a multitude of ways she has become more like Christ as a result of this program.
For the next several weeks, I will be introducing you to some of our newest interns, as they share their testimonies and what brought them here to VOH. I pray that their stories will be a great joy and encouragement to all, and that perhaps some of you will even consider signing up for this amazing opportunity!
To start us off on this exciting series, one of our current interns who has been with us for 6 months now, Megan, wanted to share what she has learned so far during her internship at VOH. You can read her entire testimony and how she came to VOH here.
“For the past 6 months, I have been challenged and come to the understanding that this job and anything I do is not about ‘I’. I thought I was being unselfish in my love, but sometimes my actions were motivated by what I could get out of it. I started out looking at my shifts as what I could do to fix problems, but that’s not my job description. I am to point the residents to the Truth in the Bible. In Acts 8, Phillip sat with the eunuch and told him the good news about Jesus. The most loving thing I can do for anyone I come in contact with is to be glorifying God with my life. I have been praying that I could see God in my interactions on shift and not do things for the approval of others.”
What an awesome testimony! I am so excited for Megan to continue learning and growing during her internship here. Stay tuned in the weeks to come, as our newest interns share their stories with us.
If you or someone you know are interested in receiving more information about our internship program, contact Jenn Heikkinen at