Debbie Costa has faithfully served as one of the 2nd Shift Supervisors since Vision of Hope opened in Jan 2008. Her dedication to God’s word, love for her Saviour, and loyalty to her husband and family have been a vivid picture of Christlikeness to our staff, interns, and residents.
In 2010, God chose to allow Debbie to fight through a significant battle with late stage ovarian cancer. Debbie valiantly fought for her health on earth while keeping her eyes focused on her Savior in heaven, willingly accepting whatever He would give her.
After a brief pause in her chemo treatments to allow her to rest, Debbie’s health was reevaluated earlier this year, and her cancer was found to have spread. New treatments are being recommended that are more aggressive. This month, Debbie made the difficult decision to resign from her employment at Vision of Hope to allow her body to have the strength it needs to fight her cancer. We all hope that Debbie will be able to keep the focus of her energy on her first and primary ministry, her husband, children, and grandchildren.
We have all enjoyed working with Debbie so much! Her love is effervescent and contagious, and her dedication to the Lord has impacted many.
As Debbie leaves, we would like to assemble a scrapbook that can be given to Debbie upon her departure from Vision of Hope in mid May. If you would like to write a love letter or an encouraging note to Debbie, or if you have a picture that you would like to include in the scrapbook (specifically of you and Debbie or of Debbie doing something fun around Vision of Hope) please submit those to Jocelyn Wallace 5652 Mercy Way, Lafayette, IN 47905 by May 1st. We will be presenting this to Debbie as a way of saying goodbye.
We love you, Debbie, and we pray for God’s healing and strength in this difficult journey.