Shared with permission . . .
No, no please not today
I really don’t want to come out and play
The thoughts in my head they come and they go
Disguising the truth in what I already know
Outside Cocaine spins round and round
If only I could see just one more pound
Here comes porter he wants me to run
Oh how it looks like so much more fun
And there he is, sitting and staring
I wonder his thoughts to see if he’s caring
Turn off the lights and no one will see
Hurry! Go quick! Carefree, Painfree is what they promise me
But there is One who has more to offer
And I look up to see his way so much taller
“First loved and chosen” I think in my head
He promises it all, his blood is so red
“No! It can’t be,” is all I can hear.
Then I see all my friends coming, coming near
“Come and lay! Come and play!” I hear them all say
“For we are your friends.”
“And we’re here till the end.”
I get up to stand
And out goes my hand
From inside my chest comes a burning desire
Like the deepest red flame from the deepest pit of fire
For that which you reap comes from the seed sown
The pain in my heart makes me wither and moan
I look up and see the tall rocky way
And a sign at the bottom reads “The price has been paid.”
“For this can not be,” I stop and I pause
“There has to be a catch! Some outrageous laws!”
Then speaks a small voice so still and so clear
“All you have to do is keep my commands near.”
My comrades I see get bigger and stronger
This pain in my heart I can’t take it much longer.
“Come follow me and I’ll take on your heat.
First loved and chosen,” the voice starts to repeat.
The others they scream and the voices get louder.
My heart starts to race and my knees start to cower.
And what happened next I cannot recall.
It was like the noise had just hit a giant brick wall
The voice said, “My child get up and come here.”
Then I felt a soft hand and it caught my first tear.
“My way is not easy but through all I’ll show
with every step taken, my daughter, I’ll go.”
I felt the red flame turn to cool blue
Then my will inside became yours to do.
Jehovah and Yahweh, yes, that is your name
In extinguishing mine, you’ve ignited your flame.