Our intern team blesses us each day, and we hope that this blog series featuring our interns is a blessing and encouragement to you!
After completing her Master of Arts in Biblical Counseling this spring, Ni (sounds like “knee”) chose to come serve at Vision of Hope to receive hands-on training and experience in her area of study. She joined our intern team in July 2019. Meet Ni!
I am originally from Chin State, Myanmar. I arrived in the US in June of 2004, at age 11.
Upon surrendering my life to the Lord and ministry, I attended a Bible college in Kentucky. After undergrad, God opened a door for me to attend Southwestern Seminary in Fort Worth, TX, where I received my degree in Biblical Counseling. Often times when I reflect on my life it is nothing but a testament of God’s grace and kindness and for that I am so very grateful. I am in awe of how faithful He is even when I am not.
I have wonderful parents and two younger sisters whom I love dearly. I enjoy hiking, photography, baking, and sometimes, cooking.
How did you hear about the VOH internship? Why were you interested in coming to VOH to serve for a year?
I heard about VOH in a seminary class. There was a mock counseling session from Faith Church and the professor mentioned VOH, although I didn’t know there is an internship program at the time. God brought it back to mind in His due time!
What are you excited to learn and grow in the rest of this internship?
I am continuing to learn so much here at VOH! One big thing is my constant need for God’s strength, guidance and wisdom—that no matter the situation, He is constant and in control. This internship calls for a daily dying of self-dependence and to put that energy towards trusting in the Lord.
What has been a favorite memory at VOH so far?
There are so many memories that comes to mind. But one thing that sticks out to me is a Friday night during Girls Night Activity. We took the girls to a nearby Starbucks and then had a worship session on the porch. Witnessing the girls sing praises to the Lord in unity ministered to my heart dearly.
What would you like to share with future interns?
I would encourage the next set of interns to just simply love the girls here at VOH well and hard. It is not easy but nothing worthwhile doing ever is. You will learn to die to self on a daily basis and that is one of the best things about this internship! You learn so much and grow in likeness of Christ in ways you probably didn’t know you needed to.