Our interns are a blessing to us each and every day through their faithful service at Vision of Hope. It is always especially exciting when graduates of our program come back to serve here as volunteers or interns. In this post, meet one such graduate!
If you would like more information about the Vision of Hope internship please check out our website. If you know you would like to pursue becoming a Vision of Hope intern, please contact our intern coordinator Annie Martin at amartin@faithlafayette.org
My name is Mischel Hardebeck and I’m 28 years old. I was born and raised here in Lafayette, Indiana and I’m currently in school pursing a degree in social work. Before this internship, I was a resident at Vision of Hope and after graduating from VOH in January 2019 I started working on my ACBC certification in biblical counseling. I was employed at Aster Place Assisted Living as a cook and I had just returned to school this last summer when I got asked to come on board with the Vision of Hope team. God’s timing was perfect!
I got saved while I was living in a destructive lifestyle. I was persuaded to move in as a resident and shortly after, God led me to Vision of Hope through a series of painful events. My life has been radically flipped upside down since and went from a world that revolved around addiction to a world of getting to know my Savior. Christ pursued me when I was not seeking Him and literally plucked me out of and into the life He purposed for His mission. My goal in life is to go minister to those still in darkness and proclaim the life and freedom that is only found in Jesus!
Why were you interested in coming to VOH to serve for a year?
I had a goal of coming back to Vision of Hope to be an intern after I graduated the program. I believe this internship was aligning up with what I was going back to school for and seemed almost perfect to make the year commitment to be here and serve.
What are you excited to learn and grow in the rest of this internship?
I’m excited to learn and grow in leadership and to become better equipped for ministry through this internship. Alongside Vision of Hope, I’m also involved at the Hartford Hub which is an afterschool program for the youth in Lafayette. This ministry works together with my internship as the two influence one another and prepare me for challenging situations. I want to strengthen my understanding and better learn to apply and deliver God’s Word.
What has been a favorite memory at VOH so far?
My favorite memory at Vision of Hope as an intern was prepping for a girl’s night activity that we were going to have with the Hartford Hub kids the following day. That evening before, us interns were having a lot of fun trying out the different activities we were going to do with the kids. It was just a time of hanging out, letting loose and having clean fun! The night with the Hub kids at Vision of Hope was a riot and I would love to plan a similar seasonal event with them soon.
What do you like to do with other interns when you’re not serving at VOH?
Some things I like to do with the interns when we aren’t on shift is just hang out and watch T.V., talk about the Lord, going to the gym, Happy China, ice cream, and late night runs to Walmart.