The Lord brought Amanda here from Ontario in July. Since then, we have loved witnessing her energy and passion for the Lord.
My name is Amanda, I accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior around the age of six. Over the years, God has transformed my life allowing me to see His goodness and faithfulness in everything. I have always been involved or around ministry. My parents, brothers and I have always been involved in different areas at our church either helping run the children’s ministry, praise team, setting up for Women’s Bible study or different outreach events. I was blessed to grow up in a home that emphasized the importance of the Bible and following God in everything. After high school I took the year off to work, help my family, and to figure out what I wanted to do for college. Through that year, I decided to go to Baptist Bible College, now Clark Summit University, and major in Biblical Counselling. During my four years there, God taught me what it looks like to have my own faith apart from my family. I was involved in many things and took advantage of the resources and learning opportunities. For the past year I have been working at home searching to see where I should go and what I should be doing. I was aware of Vision of Hope and decided to connect with the ministry. I love the ministry and mind set here.
How did you hear about the VOH internship? Why were you interested in coming to VOH to serve for a year?
I have many connections to Faith and Vision of Hope. My parents use to come to the Biblical Counselling Training Conference at Faith, and Jennifer Heikkinen, the previous Intern Coordinator was a friend of the family. I love the mindset and heartbeat of the staff here. I am so excited to learn more about Biblical Counselling and learning how to best serve others with that hands on experience.
I believe I have so much to learn, more areas to grow. My desire is to never stop learning. Even though I have gone to school for counselling I realize that there is still so much I need to experience, learn and grow in.
If you were to plan a fun activity for the residents, what would you plan and why?
I think I would plan a picnic with different games, then a movie under the stars. I love to be outside and to enjoy the weather while it is nice. Also I think watching a movie outside with Christmas lights hung up is a lot of fun and a great way to make fun memories.
We are convinced that Amanda will receive countless opportunities to continue to learn and grow this year! We are thankful for her desire to learn and serve here!