Dear Race for Hope Volunteers,
How do I begin to communicate how incredibly encouraged I am by your service? As I was recruiting help, some of you offered your time before I could even ask! I was so blessed by that! Others of you were quick to answer my ask in the affirmative that you were not just willing but eager to serve. The youth group again committed early in the year to serve as race course volunteers, providing a small army of youthful excitement and energy. I certainly saw the Lord provide in how he brought volunteers to us this year.
A number of you helped with tasks over the last week or two as we prepped for the race. Many of you woke before dawn on Saturday to cheerfully help with 5am set-up. I couldn’t even think about grumbling inwardly at the early hour because there you were, also up early, helping me with a smile! Some of you parents got your kids out of bed and brought them with you, teaching them how to serve joyfully in the name of Christ.
You greeted participants, you checked in runners, you welcomed walkers, you passed out t-shirts and snacks, you handed out water, you volunteered your medical skills, you answered questions, you cheered others on…we could not have held this race without you!
Philippians 2:1-2 says, “Therefore if there is any encouragement in Christ, if there is any consolation of love, if there is any fellowship of the Spirit, if any affection and compassion, 2 make my joy complete by being of the same mind, maintaining the same love, united in spirit, intent on one purpose.”
Your encouragement in Christ, your consolation of His love, your fellowship with the Spirit and your affection and compassion were on display as you volunteered at the race. Not only did your service bring great encouragement to my heart, but I believe it also glorified our worthy Lord. Thank you for demonstrating unity and love through your service to our King as you helped support VOH and FBS at the Race for Hope
With a grateful heart,
Jen and the Race for Hope Committee