As I have mentioned before, I am certainly not a runner. I have enjoyed short jogs in the past, but I have never had the love of running or the dedication it takes to be a good runner. I can only imagine that those who regularly run in races must keep their eyes on the prize – that finish line and the rewards that follow.
Although I can’t relate to those who are dedicated runners, I can relate to the need to focus on the end rewards. As fallen human beings, we are often tempted to sin. If, in those instances, we are focused on our goal of glorifying God and focused on the end result of that goal – storing up eternal treasures in heaven – then we can fight the temptation to sin and have great victory in our lives.
In 2 Timothy, Paul talks about eternal rewards for those who finish well. He writes, “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the course, I have kept the faith; in the future there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day; and not only to me, but also to all who have loved His appearing.” (2 Tim. 4:7-8) In this passage, Paul paints a picture I’m sure many runners can relate to. While running a race, it is helpful to think about the finish line, how you’ll feel when you cross it, and the possible rewards of finishing well. How awesome that God offers rewards far greater and more lasting that any trophy or medal. There are rewards and crowns that will last for eternity for those who choose to fight sin and run toward their Savior. How wonderful it must be to arrive in eternity and know that you have run your race well.
Don’t forget to donate to our Race for Hope or register to participate! The Race for Hope will be held on June 10th, so there is still time to partner with us. To donate or register, click here.