As you know, our annual Race for Hope is quickly approaching. As we prepare for this event, we are praying for every participant – that they will be safe and have the stamina and energy needed to run the race.
When running a race, energy can waver. But God calls us to a much more important race in our lives, and He promises to provide the energy needed to complete the work He calls us to.
Colossians 1:28-29 states, “He is the one we proclaim, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone fully mature in Christ. To this end I strenuously contend with all the energy Christ so powerfully works in me.” God calls us to bring Him glory here on this earth, and part of that involves seeking to make more disciples for Him. We are to be actively searching for ways to share the gospel and tell others of our great God, helping them to grow in a transforming relationship with Him.
This is a high calling and can seem daunting at times, but praise the Lord that He provides us with His energy! Because He provides the energy needed to run this race for Him, we know that we can continuously press on despite difficulties and opposition, and by His grace we can live lives worthy of the gospel.
Please be praying for our staff team as well as the participants of our upcoming Race for Hope event! Our goal is for God to be glorified, and we pray that He will use this event to make His name great!
The Race for Hope is June 10th. Have you chosen how to participate? Sign up for the 5k walk, 5k run, or 10k run today! You can also participate by donating to our ministry financially in order to help us keep our program at an affordable cost. Find out more here.