So far, we have heard from several of our new interns what the Lord has done in their lives to bring them to Vision of Hope. Their many stories of God’s relentless pursuit have been so encouraging and a great reminder that our Lord cares about the details in our lives and is always involved in the hearts of believers to make us more like Him!
Today, we will hear from another member of our intern team, Charity! Charity came to us in January from Kampala, Uganda. So far, she has already been a wonderful servant and a great example of Christ. We cannot wait to see God continue to grow her and use her for His Kingdom! Be encouraged, as she shares her story with us.
“I grew up in an Anglican family, we always went to church on Sundays but it was more of a tradition. Through this though, over the years I was able to hear about Jesus from a young age. I learned how He died on the cross for us, so our sins can be forgiven through Him. As years passed by, I never saw any need for Him personally, I just wanted to live my life where I could do whatever I wanted and thought best for me, not what HE thought was best. While at university, I kept chasing after other things to bring me joy and fulfillment, but felt emptier instead. God slowly wooed me and revealed to me my sinfulness and my need for repentance and forgiveness. He brought me to a point where I knew I was a sinner that needed a savior, and 6 years ago I accepted Him as Lord of my life. I didn’t fully understand what this all meant as a new believer, but a few months later in July 2010, He graciously led me to people who invested time in helping me understand better what it meant to be a follower of Christ. It’s been a journey that only He takes credit for, and I am so thankful for His undeserved Love, Grace, and Mercy that He extends to me each day.
I have a dear friend from Michigan who has been a Missionary to Uganda for over 7 years, and is now married there. She and her family have been to the Biblical Counseling Training Conference at Faith Church several times. She introduced me to Biblical counseling and Faith Church resources. I found out about VOH through the Faith Ministries website, but also my friend’s cousin was an Intern about 4 years ago. I thought it would be great opportunity to serve, learn, and grow as a follower of Christ who desires to serve hurting women by pointing them to Christ. I am excited about learning how to practically apply God’s word holistically in my personal life, but also the lives of those He brings my way in the Ministry He will lead me to. I desire to point those who are hopeless to the cross and the transforming power that only Jesus gives. It is such a great opportunity and blessing to learn from experienced Biblical counselors and staff who are willing to graciously and patiently work with us to help us grow and change for God’s glory as we serve here at VOH.
My desire is to be equipped as Biblical counselor and hopefully do counseling with ladies alongside my home church back in Uganda after my internship. I will trust God’s leading and timing.”
What a wonderful reminder that our Lord’s plans are so great, and that we can trust in His timing! Thank you for sharing, Charity!
If you are interested in joining our team as an intern, or to receive more information about our internship program, contact Jenn Breitwieser at jbreitwieser@faithlafayette.org.