Breaking News!: New baby coming!

This sweetie is going to be having a baby in January. Elijah is due soon and needs the normal care items any new baby should have. If you’d like to support Cora and Elijah you can refer to her two registries to see what is still needed. She is registered at Walmart and Target.
We are planning a baby shower in January after the baby is born but Cora is ready to start getting her baby’s room ready as soon as the baby care items come in.
Thanks for considering showing Cora and Elijah your love!
Shared with permission . . .
Jocelyn Wallace
Jocelyn was the executive director of the Vision of Hope residential treatment center ( on the campus of Faith Ministries until 2013. Her experience in the biblical counseling field goes back to 2002, and includes work in parachurch organizations and Faith Biblical Counseling Ministries.