#1 Road Stopping Bible Lessons
Teachers do special things in Bible like the Romans Road. One of the things we did was try to hit a target using a flying object. No one was able to hit a bull’s eye. Mrs. Fox used that to show us, “All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” Romans 3:23. We learned the Bible gives us directions like a roadmap about God’s plan. (Hannah)
#2 All American Parade
On the last day of Reading Road Trip USA we dressed up and had a parade. Our class gathered in the hall and watched other classes go by. Then we got up and paraded down the halls. It was fun. After the parade we got a Popsicle. We loved Reading Road Trip! (Avry)
#3 Campfire Tales
Reading Extravaganza was amazing and fun. Every day in the third grade we had a campfire and told tall tales. We talked about Pecos Bill, Sally Ann Thunder Ann Whirl Wind, Mike Fink, Johnny Appleseed, Paul Bunyan and Pinkerton the dog. We had snacks too. We had apples, gummies, cookies, apple dumplings and ice cream. (Trinity)
#4 Following Two Crazy Tourists
We had an awesome week of Reading Road Trip USA following Betty Joe and Lucy across our country. Betty Jo and Lucy went to New York and went to the Hershey Store and the Statue of Liberty. Next they went to Pennsylvania and learned about the Liberty Bell. They ate Philly cheese steak sandwiches. Next they went to Montana and went hiking, they saw the Greens. Lastly they finished their trip in San Francisco, California. (Payton L.)
#5 Building Floats
My most favorite part was the parade. We got to build our float using the customary measuring system. We built Sally Ann Thunder Ann Whirlwind Crockett. There was a lot of hyperbole in her story, such as she uses a skunk’s scent for perfume. What a smell. We made a skunk to go along with her on our float. I loved making Sally. (Sophia)
#6 All American Flea Market with our Fifth Grade Buddies
In Reading Road Trip U.S.A. we had a flea market with our buddies. All through Reading Extravaganza we were able to earn coins for obeying. We could earn up to 5 coins. Then, we used those coins and bought and sold lots of things. Our teachers were the bank and they collected the coins. The All American Flea Market was very fun! (Hannah)
#7 “50 Nifty United States” Song
We learned the 50 Nifty State song. Mr. Jones taught it to us. We know our states better now because of this song. I really enjoyed learning the state song. (Hannah)
#8 Special Crafts
During Reading Extravaganza we got do a lot of fun things. We had craft time. We made boats (for Mike Fink), Carmel Apples (for Johnny Appleseed), Eagles (for Sally Ann Thunder Ann Whirl Wind), book marks and real apple dumplings. My favorite craft was making Mike Fink’s boat. (Payton S.)
#9 Standing on an Author’s Shoulders
During Reading Extravaganza, we learn about different writing strategies with an author study. Next, using those strategies, we publish our very own book! This year we are writing a tall tale. Each student gets to create himself or herself as a tall tale character and write adventures using hyperbole & similes. (Mrs. Fox)
#10 Loads of Learning in a Fun Way!
I am thankful for Reading Extravaganza because we can focus the curriculum around one central theme. Room & hallway decorations, fun crafts, food, flea markets, songs, and even silly tourists peak our students’ interests of our great country and stories written about it. The third grade has learned geography by learning about the 50 states, math by using the customary unit of measurement of America, English skills our author used like hyperbole, similes, and exaggeration, and, of course, reading skills by reading great literature! What an amazing trip we had studying our great nation during Reading Road Trip U.S.A.