Rossville End-of-Summer Parade

Hi. My name’s Charlie: one of the senior percussionist in our high school band, and on August 26, we had our first performance of the year. We’ve been practicing and preparing for the Rossville Parade since the first day of school. And thanks to our block scheduling, we’ve worked as a band for only 5 class periods. Granted we were given the music during the summer, and we practiced at home, but we were only together 5 times before the parade. The song we played is called “España Cañi” by Pascual Marquina Narro, which in my ears sounds like a Spanish bullfighting song.



The percussionists of course played a cadence after “España” ended called “2K12.” Somehow we (the percussionists) were awarded the MVP announcement from Mr. Grass the following Monday -probably for just showing up and being awesome, but then again the whole band was awesome.

If you want to see us in the Rossville Parade next year, then you’re probably out of luck. Every year we switch between the Roseville Parade and Purdue Band Day. So come to Rossville in 2019 to see us again!