I love reading! Just this morning I saw four elementary students, who were at school early, using their extra time to read great books. It was a joy to me as their principal to hear them tell me about what they were reading and to praise them for reading. Students at Faith Christian School can now benefit from greatly improved versions of two popular, scientifically-based, and effective reading, and reading assessment programs. Accelerated Reader Enterprise and STAR Reading Enterprise (both from Renaissance Learning) provide access to a much broader array of reading materials and progress monitoring tools for FCS students.
Better Quizzing, More Books
The old “desktop versions” of these programs have finally been replaced by the internet-hosted “Enterprise”versions. We are glad to join other schools who had already taken this step. This means that students can take their AR reading comprehension quizzes on any internet-connected computer on campus, with teacher supervision. The upgrade also means students can take quizzes and earn AR points from over 130,000 books! As new quizzes are added for other books, our students have immediate access to them, too. Therefore, students will find more reading material at a suitable reading level and an engaging interest level.
Parent Connection
More reading plus parent involvement leads to better reading, and better reading leads to better learning!
Assessment and Progress
The STAR Reading Enterprise assessment aids us specifically with monitoring of reading levels and progress. This computer-adaptive, normed test determines a child’s current reading level. It also defines the reading level zone for that child that will stretch his or her skills without being overwhelming. All our elementary teachers will eventually use this test as a tool to understand and gauge student progress by administering it at school several times over the course of the year. It also provides opportunities for more frequent monitoring for a student who is receiving intensive reading intervention.
Matching the Mission
Ultimately, we desire to build strong students academically so they can take advantage of every opportunity to glorify God with their skills and knowledge. That lines up perfectly with the mission of Faith Christian School–“To help parents raise their children to live effectively in God’s world.”
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