Several students had an opportunity to travel to Mexico City this year for J Term. We asked each of them to highlight their trip from their perspective and share some things that the Lord allowed them to learn and experience. Matt Byrn is a senior at FCS. Please read Matt’s blog and continue to pray for him and other team members throughout the year.
The Mexico City J-Term trip was a wonderful experience for me. I enjoyed trying new things, getting to know new people, and sharing God’s love with others. When we were preparing for the trip, Mr. Grass asked me if I would be willing to play the guitar for the worship we would be leading for the youth groups and churches. I was very nervous and uneasy about it even to the point where I did not want to go on the trip at all. Also, my Spanish is not that good so I was unsure how communicating with people would go. Then the night before our plane left, I got a fever. I asked Mr. Grass what he thought I should do and he said it was my call. So I called my mom and we prayed. She then looked at the verse of the day and it was Matthew 28:19 which reads, “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” That was all I needed and I ended up going and it was one of the worst times traveling that I have experienced but it was well worth it. I had a great time on the trip. One of my favorite things about the trip was getting to know my teammates. I enjoyed running the camps and youth group events with them, hanging out with them, and getting to know them better. During the trip, Mr. Grass asked us to think of a phrase that we could apply to our lives and mine was “Be More Like Christ”. On the trip I realized how big of an impact that I could have on someone by not even trying. I read a devotional that talked about making nobodies into somebodies by striving to be more like Christ. By looking out for others and demonstrating Christ’s love can make a huge impact on peoples lives. I am so glad that I got to go on this trip and my outlook on life has changed because of it.