Distance Learning: what a strange concept for teachers who have dedicated their lives to pouring into their students’ lives. Now we all sit at our computers all day preparing lessons or grading papers. This time has been “a stretch” for us and our students; however, we know that God has had a purpose through these days, one that has caused us to reset, reflect, and grow in His daily provision in our life.
Who would have thought two months ago we would be communicating through Zoom, Loom, and Teams, but here we are, making the best of this time as we teach English from our laptops. In the midst of learning new modes of communication, what a blessing to continue not only bettering our own styles and skills in communication, but to have this unique chance to continue communicating what it looks like to be faithful during trials.
Amidst the change, another blessing comes through the alternate means by which we now see our loved students. Though at times, all this technology can be quite the conundrum, platforms such as Zoom allow us a new way to interact. Our Office Hours are spent not so much answering their questions, but mostly just visiting. “We miss your face!” and “How are you doing?” are our first questions as they sign on. When we all sign off: “Miss you!” “See you soon!” “Let me know if you need anything!”
One of the lessons we have been teaching our students this year is remembering and relying on God’s faithfulness as we practice following Him well, no matter the circumstance. And here we sit, “robbed” of our normalcy, forced to sit and remember that our faithful and good King is still on His throne. And in this moment, we sigh… because we miss them… but we know God has a purpose for our situation, and we rest in this little blessing from our faithful King.
Sheryl Borgman & Emily Engle
FCS English Department