Do you remember where Faith was nearly one year ago (Feb 2011) in regard to cornerstone initiative #1 from our strategic plan—the establishment of a student ministry and counseling center at Purdue?
- After two years of searching, we had exhausted our known options.
- After two years of working, we had not secured any viable land.
- After two years of effort, we were no closer than when we started.
As a people who believe in the sovereignty of God, certainly God was not allowing our labors to produce any fruit. And, as a people who are striving to please the Lord and love the community with noble efforts (presumably) why had God not blessed the work of our hands? Really. Why?!
Ultimately we may never know any or all of the reasons. But as God refrained from granting us the desire of our heart, a healthy dose of humility enveloped us. God reminded us again that we cannot simply make our wishes automatically happen. We follow the lead of our Sovereign Creator and Redeemer who has plans and purposes higher than we can comprehend (Isa 55:8-9).
Our Cry
In being reminded of our dependence, one year ago in February we set aside a day in March for devoted prayer and fasting—something that Faith had never done before. Remember these blog posts?
- Why is Faith Fasting this Sunday?
- What is Fasting and Should We Be Fasting Today?
- Practical Fasting Tips
- Schedule and Suggested Readings
After the day of prayer and fasting in March, no land floated immediately down from above. In April, the deacons meeting minutes continued to reflect uncertainty regarding any land or capital campaign.
God’s Answer
Yet over the summer the floodgates of heaven were opened, and God poured forth showers of blessing. The 6.4 acres of land formerly known as the Champion Center site became available. The size of this piece of land was far beyond for what we could have ever hoped. The cost of this land per acre was cheaper than our previous two failed options. In August, Faith’s leadership voted to secure this blessing. From September through November, God allowed Faith to successfully complete its capital campaign.
Subsequently, the neighbors of Faith West publicly granted their favor for this project. The city of West Lafayette is currently working with Faith to ensure this project gets built. A national bank has granted its support of this project.
And, last Sunday night, nearly one year after we recognized we were without options and cried out to the Lord, Faith affirmed with a 97% vote to move ahead with a larger scaled ministry plan upon this larger piece of land.
The Lord Reigns!
Our Response
Faith family, what should be our response to this blessing—both this year and as we steward this blessing in the future? Will you take the time to contribute to a public, multifaceted response to our God’s blessing in the comments below?
Here is mine:
Shout joyfully to the Lord, all the earth.
Serve the Lord with gladness;
Come before Him with joyful singing;
Know that the Lord Himself is God;
It is He who has made us, and not we ourselves;
We are His people and the sheep of His pasture.
Enter His gates with thanksgiving
And His courts with praise.
Give thanks to Him, bless His name.
For the Lord is good:
His lovingkindness is everlasting
And His faithfulness to all generations.
(Psalm 100)