Our annual Tribute to Hope benefit program is coming up fast, and we want YOU to join us! This program is sure to be an evening of encouraging praise to our Jesus.
The theme of our program this year is Bring Praise, and we look forward to bringing praise to our Lord as many share their testimonies, are interviewed about their time spent at Vision of Hope, and sing praise and worship songs to the King! Join us on Saturday, September 26th at 6:00pm in the Faith Church auditorium and be encouraged to praise the Lord with us!
If you would like to come, please send your RSVP to jmyer@faithlafayette.org or call our office at (765) 447-5900. We need RSVPs by Wednesday, September 23rd so you have a week to decide. You won’t want to miss this event!
We look forward to bringing praise to God with you!