It is a privilege to be teaching at the annual ACBC (Association of Certified Biblical Counselors) conference in Sun Valley, California. I teach on Wednesday, October 8th in the afternoon which means I get to listen to some fantastic teachers of the Word of God until then! Pastor John MacArthur, Steve Viars, Rob Green, Dan Gannon, Dan Wickert, Charles Hodges, Tim Keeter, Stuart Scott, and so many more godly men and women will be teaching this year so you should consider registering to attend now.
My workshop is based upon the material in two of my books: Relapse: Biblical Prevention Strategies and Addiction-Proof Parenting. I delve into the mentality, or outlook, of a person enslaved to addictive sin and contrast it to the mind of Christ (I Cor. 2:16). Then, I borrow heavily from my parenting book to demonstrate how parents often unwittingly encourage their children to think like an “addict.” Having taught this workshop before, I am grateful for the very positive responses received.
Although it is a convicting talk (it always convicts me first!!!), it is an eye-opening exercise that should lead any true believer to repentance and faith in Christ.
-Pastor Mark Shaw (serving a forgiving and gracious God who is the only perfect Parent)