Wow, just wow! If you attended Vision of Hope’s tribute banquet this year you may have a similar thought. Can you believe our God is that good? There were so many things about that night I want to relive. Here are a few of my favorites:
- The Testimonies!
Throughout the evening several members of the VOH family shared their testimonies. The entourage included past residents, parents of residents, families impacted by VOH through adoption or marriage, and even a significant other! No matter where these persons came from, God wove VOH into their story in some way, shape, or form. Vision of Hope was the tool God used to radically transform their hard heart, or sometimes just uncover their blind spots. God works in both big and small ways, which no one doubted after listening to these testimonies! One woman I talked to wished the whole night had been devoted to testimonies. Another grown man said he didn’t have dry eyes through one of them!
- The Worship
The worship at the banquet was sort of a “testimony” itself. It told the story of God’s calling us from darkness to be servants in His kingdom. Another song communicated the heartfelt desire of God’s children to give their Father the highest praise for being the melody that orchestrates their lives. Yet another song demonstrated the picture of Christ’s sacrifice so that we might have life. It was a great time to worship God, even if you don’t like to sing or weren’t on stage. It’s not about performing or sounding good as much as it’s about bringing our highest praise to the only one who deserves it.
- The Service
Thanks for intern Liz Kaplanis and her posse, the service and food at the banquet were a spectacular success! The individuals who served that night were such a perfect picture of how Christ came not to be served but to serve. We, as the guests, got to experience the banquet in a different way than those who served. It may feel like the servers missed out, but I’m sure their Master is well pleased with them and echoing, “Well done, good and faithful servants.” As a guest, I’m extremely thankful for the privilege. It was such a gift to sit around a table and fellowship with friends and (by the end of the night) new friends! Thanks so much for anyone reading this who served at the banquet!
- The Generosity
One of our board members, Rafe Refior, challenged the audience to give to Vision of Hope. He asked this unashamedly based on His confidence in what God is doing through the VOH ministry. Without the generousity and sacrifice (those are two VERY different stances of giving) of others, Vision of Hope would not be the ministry it is now. It is a horrendous thought that VOH may have to charge residents more each month, but with the help of our cmomunity and God’s community, that doesn’t need to happen. As Rafe mentioned, VOH has been helped tremendously by a grant that covers half our expenses. Yes, HALF. Imagine if you suddenly lost half of your income? You’d be crippled… without help. That’s exactly the place God has VOH in right now: without help, the ministry of VOH will drastically change in four years when this grant runs out. This alone drives those who love VOH to ask others’ to support it (as well as support it themselves). However, it’s not out of fear that VOH asks for support. Rather, it’s out of confidence and community. It’s because we wholeheartedly believe it what God is doing that we won’t compromise until He clearly steers us in that direction (which hasn’t happened yet). Like Rage encouraged us at the banquet, we need each other. No man is an island, neither is a biblical treatment facility. Thank you for each and every person who donated financially or otherwise to Vision of Hope on saturday’s banquet.
In closing, the banquet night was a phenominal time of companionship, praise, encouragement, laughter, tears, joy, and gooooooood food. I’m amazed at how it turned out and echo my authorities in giving all the praise to my Heavenly Father: He knows how to throw good parties!