Warriors for Christ

Saturday, August 24, 2013, from noon until late evening, the boys of the freshman class of Faith Christian School and their fathers met for a day of activities, devotions, testimonies, and fun!

Nineteen father/son teams showed up for the event we called “Warriors for Christ”. The kick-off started at Dr. Mark Buono’s house at noon, with a hearty lunch and a devotion on TRUTH. Then the teams took to the fields outside for hours of laser tag, marksmanship at the rifle range, and a couple of pick-up games of basketball.

One of the fathers, Ken Johnson, delivered his testimony, describing how hanging out with the wrong crowd at age 15 can lead to poor choices and ultimately devastating consequences. Ken ended up serving 11 years and 3 months in prison as a result of those poor choices made as a youth. It was in prison that God got a hold of his heart and changed him from the inside out! Since gaining his freedom, Ken has been reunited with his family and is leading a Christ centered and God honoring life as a husband and father. Powerful testimony of how God changes lives no matter what our circumstances are.  There is nothing that He can’t handle.  

These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world. -John 16:33

While the boys continued with laser tag in the corn fields, we dads found a little time to get to know each other better and dream about what we can do as dads over the next 4 years to lead, encourage, train, and hold our freshman boys accountable. All were in agreement that at the very least we wanted this to be an annual event. There will also be activities during the year for more fellowship and fun.  One such event that a group of us are going to is the upcoming “Act Like Men“ conference being held this November 8-9, in Indianapolis.

After additional physical exertion, the boys were treated to a devotion on JUSTICE, and then everyone packed up to head over to the Mogensen’s to float down the Wildcat Creek. Fox’s pizza was delivered and we enjoyed dinner and a testimony from Sean Lincoln from the Faith College class. Prizes were awarded for 1st and 2nd place marksmanship, and one last devotion was read on PURITY before the boys and a few dads participated in a water balloon fight.  Other activities ensued, such as Nukem volleyball, 4 square, fellowship & S’mores around a fire.

The evening was capped off with a closing ceremony in which the fathers stood across from their sons as a  knight’s sword was passed down the line, one father to the next, challenging  their sons to be Warriors for Christ.  The boys were then presented with a smaller replica sword that they could take home as a memento of the occasion.  Inscribed on the sword was the verse from Heb. 4:12. “For the word of God is sharper than a double-edged sword…”

The freshman boys bonded and enjoyed fellowship with one another while the dads were passing around the Ibuprofen! All-in-all it was a great start to the freshman year for the Class of 2017. It is quite possible that a tradition has been started! It was the love and dedication of the dads to their sons that made this day a unique celebration which we all pray will produce a generation of godly young men and Warriors for Christ!

Dawn Oliver
Dawn is an Administrative Assistant at Faith Christian School.