The following lesson was taught in our children’s Sunday School classes on Sunday, May 12. We would encourage you to use the ideas below to review Sunday’s lesson with your family.
God Uses Esther to Protect the Jews
Passage: Esther
Principle: Believers trust in God’s plan, power, and protection.
Praise: “Awesome God”
Prompt: Ask your child these questions:
- How did Esther become Ahasuerus’s queen?
- What events led to God’s protection of the Jews?
Practice: Help your child apply these truths in the following ways:
- By praising God, who controls every event.
- By being courageous in doing the right thing.
This Week: As a family, read selected portions of the book of Esther.
Next Week: Nehemiah 1:1–4:23; 6:15–16
Memory Verse: Proverbs 29:25
“The fear of man brings a snare, But whoever trusts in the LORD shall be safe”