I’m living my dream when I go into work at Vision of Hope. After coming to the Faith Biblical Counseling Conference and hearing the staff talk about the new ministry of Vision of Hope, touring the Vision of Hope building the second year and going for an intern interview the third year I attended the conference, I am convinced that God was perfectly preparing me. I love to rehearse how God perfectly staged me being here as he grew my compassion for ladies and love for His Word grew previously through working at a nail salon and in the deans department at a Bible College.
I LOVE my job! I work PM shifts, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday! My time with the residents continues to show me how much God loves, provides and knows what is best for them. It is a constant reminder for me that I am just a vessel who has the opportunity to worship His awesomeness. Rejoicing with residents as they rehearse God’s work and faithfulness for so many different things and in so many different ways is one of my favorite times on shift. I also am the intern coordinator at Vision of Hope. I hire interns twice a year and get a front row seat of what God is doing in their lives as well. I love watching God sharpen and mold them as they become more like Him. I am so humbled by our team of interns and it is such a joy to my heart and privilege that I’m reminded of when we work alongside each other, serving one another and the residents.
Through my job I constantly get the opportunity to evaluate my heart and see God deliver goodness! Currently, God continues to challenge me to actively believe Him when He says in Jude 24 and 25 that “to him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you blameless before the presence of his glory with great joy, to the only God, our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion and authority, before all time and now and forever.”