The End of an Era

Every six months there is a major change of dynamic in the Vision of Hope house due to the arrival and departure of Interns, old and new. This change of Vision of Hope staff represents, for some, the completion of a year or more of on the job training and experience in practical Biblical counseling and personal growth and development.  For others, this year-long commitment represents unknown challenges and the hopeful anticipation of witnessing life change firsthand.

On the other side of the coin, the transition of Interns is quite an event in and of itself for the Vision of Hope residents.  For our many ladies that have been hurt and scarred by ended or failed relationships, this transition of authority is quite difficult and often times a daunting and scary change.  Therein lies the issue; Change is hard. Our hope and goal is to NOT shy away from this hard challenge, but to practice having a thankful heart, and embrace the opportunity to process the fact that God allows people to come in and out of our lives, and because He is good and does only good, it is for our benefit.

We have been truly blessed by the service and ministry of Kaylin, Amber, and Ashleigh.  Thank you for your time and efforts; they will not be overlooked by the Lord!  We are also grateful that God has directed the paths of seven new ladies, Karen, Susan, Helen, Bethany, Janessa, Sarah, and Hannah to serve at Vision of Hope for the next year!  What a joy it will be to see the work the Lord has in store for and through these wonderful laborers of the harvest!
