“Love…is ever ready to believe the best of every person…” (1 Cor. 13:7) Much conflict can be avoided by following this simple principle. It’s a basic, but often difficult one to live by. Another way to say it is: assume positive intention.[1]
If I am to love God and love my neighbor (those I am around; Matthew 22:37-39), then assuming positive intention on the part of another human being is a reflection on how I am doing at loving God. As I understand God’s love, I am motivated to love others. This means assuming positive intention, and acting accordingly. Is this easy? Hardly.
Loving others does not mean there will never be conflict, nor is the goal to have a conflict-free life. But living by God’s word does ensure the path to minimizing and overcoming conflict. (Romans 12:17-21; James 1:2-4; Ephesians 4:25-32; I Peter)
To the Christ-follower, you and I have the responsibility and blessing of believing the best about others. This is incredibly freeing, and gospel fulfilling! This is a part of living out the Good News of Jesus Christ.
If you would like to know more about becoming a Christ-follower, see my post What is the G.O.S.P.E.L.?.
[1] From Group’s Volunteer Central website, www.churchvolunteercentral.com/cvdaily/ever-believing-the-best, Sue Brage.