Here are the top 10 posts of 2011, as determined by what you–our readers–viewed the most. For this top 10 list, we’re including posts from all of our blogs, so you’ll notice a couple of Faith Biblical Counseling posts in here as well. You can find our entire listing of blogs, as well as an aggregated feed of the latest posts, at
10. Highway to Hell: A Question of Culture and the Church
9. Premarriage Counseling is not first about the marriage
8. Can You Enjoy Luxuries While People are Suffering in Poverty?
7. Schedule and Suggested Readings for Day of Prayer and Fasting
6. Dating an Apostle or a Potential
5. Why Faith May Change Our Name
4. How Should Evangelical Christians Respond to the Death of Osama Bin Laden?
3. The Christian and Halloween: A Plea for Valium
2. Indiana Jones Would Be Proud
1. Gospel Indicatives And Imperatives: Where Is The Debate Anyway?
What posts did you find the most useful, and what would you like to see us cover in 2012?