Vision of Hope has helped me change my life. The staff here led me to Christ. They continually show grace and love; and they gently help me turn my heart to the truth. I am so grateful for my counselor, she really helped me change my life. I cherish everyone here. God is teaching me that His way is best. God is helping me and giving me the strength I need. He is teaching me about His love towards me. He is teaching me to trust Him. I am learning that hard is not bad, that you grow from it. I’m learning to trust and obey. I’m learning to lay down my life and surrender to His ways. I’m learning that it’s progressive sanctification. I am growing in following Jesus’ way, praying, and knowing the Bible. My life will be different because I know Christ. He is a part of me. I am continuing to learn truth here that has and will forever change my life. I am so thankful for this place.