Moldova 2007 Journal 1

Biblical Counselor Training Conference in Vadul lui Voda, Moldova

Thursday, August 23, 2007 – Friday, August 24, 2007

We flew out of Indianapolis at 1:45pm arriving in Charlotte, NC at 3:15pm. Our connecting flight to Frankfurt, Germany was scheduled to depart at 4:30pm. We boarded on time but because of mechanical problems we sat on the plane for 4 hours, at which time they allowed us to deplane and get a bite to eat. We finally left at 10:30pm, a six hour delay.
We had hoped to visit Mainz, Germany during our 8-hour layover in Frankfurt but we arrived in Frankfurt only 2 ½ hours before our connecting flight to Moldova so we stayed in the airport.
We arrived in Moldova on schedule at 6:20pm Friday, nearly 22 hours after leaving Indianapolis. We were glad we packed our clothes, toiletries and notes in our carry-on luggage as our checked bags did not arrive with us.
Mark and Keri were taken to the home of Mihai and Lydia Melancea for the weekend. Mihai is the dean of the College of Theology and Education and a local pastor. David went to the home of Valeriu and Marina Ghiletchi. Valeriu is the president of the Baptist Union of Moldova.

David Selvey<
David is the pastor of global outreach at Faith Church and the executive director of Faith Global Missions. He serves as a counselor in Faith Biblical Counseling Ministry and teaches in and plans international conferences. David has served as a missionary and worked as a small business owner. He and his wife, Kathy, have lived in Indiana since 1995 and have been members of Faith Church since 1996.