Vision of Hope is grateful for our interns, and we see God’s hand in bringing each intern our way with their different gifts to help build up the body of Christ at Vision of Hope. They help keep this program running! We count on our interns to supervise the residents and help disciple them in the day to day activities that happen at Vision of Hope. Interns are the ones on the front lines, interacting with the residents, helping in crisis situations, and being there for the residents to help them apply what they are learning in counseling when they are struggling.
Vision of Hope is always looking for interns to join our team. If you are interested in joining our internship team, please contact Annie Martin, our Intern Coordinator, at
Over the next several weeks, we want to introduce our readers to our new interns who joined the team in July. These interns are already making an impact on the lives of the residents as they serve with compassion and excellence.
Rachel Miller is from Goshen, Indiana, and started serving as an intern at Vision of Hope in July of 2020. She is a passionate individual and in her free time loves playing with her cat, being outside, doing artwork, counseling others, and studying the Bible. Her favorite Bible verse is 2 Corinthians 12:9 because she loves that she doesn’t have to be strong, but it is Christ’s power that shines best in her weakness.
Rachel found out about Vision of Hope through Faith’s BCTC. Rachel says, “It was the first year I went, and I heard about VOH and was immediately like ‘that’s what I wanna do.’” Rachel got her degree from Liberty University in Psychology with an emphasis in Christian Counseling, and she thought that Vision of Hope would be a great way to get practical application for her degree. On top of that, Rachel has a profound love and passion for counseling. She says: “It makes me come alive. I feel like my life purpose is to love those who feel unloved or forgotten, because I know at times I felt that way, and it’s easy to let the thoughts of people, what people say to you, and the enemy get into your head, drowning out the voice of truth.” Rachel comments that she strongly believes in 2 Corinthians 1:3-4 of how God comforts us so we can comfort others. She says that because God has comforted her in some of the same areas that the VOH residents have struggled in, she wants to share that comfort with them.
Rachel is hoping to gain wisdom and experience in practical application of Biblical counseling. She is excited to observe all the wisdom she can get from the people and staff at VOH. She wants God to grow her and teach her what He wants her to be taught, that way, she can be His hands and feet. Rachel points out that, after all, “That’s our life purpose—to be a representation of Christ.”
Rachel is taking life one step at a time and takes whatever opportunities and doors God opens for her. When thinking about life after VOH, Rachel hopes that she might be able to be an advocate in the fight against human trafficking and abortion. Lord willing, Rachel hopes to become a foster parent as well. She is excited and very thankful for the year to come as she serves at Vision of Hope.