Meet Beth!

Beth, Eshté, Chanelle and Cassidy came to cold Lafayette, Indiana in January to begin their year-long internship. Being from up North, I’m not sure the cold Indiana winter bothered Beth all that much. Beth has a gift for details and organization, and has blessed us in her time so far with her attention to such things! After getting to know her daughter, it has been a treat to also meet Beth and serve alongside her.

I am from Minot, Maine. I’m excited to come serve the Lord at VOH. My daughter just graduated from the Vision of Hope program in August. The Lord did a mighty work in her heart and life through this program! She told me of the internship and how much of a blessing the interns were in her healing process. So I applied to be an intern and was accepted.

Why were you interested in coming to VOH to serve for a year?

My desire is that the Lord will use me as an intern to be a blessing to the staff, the other interns, and the residents, as well as a servant however He desires to help keep this program going to heal hearts and prepare lives for God’s glory and His service!

What are you hoping to do after you finish your internship?

My plans following my service here are open to wherever the Lord needs me to serve him.

I have been blessed to take the ACBC 11 week counseling course and am working on my exam to become a certified biblical counselor.

How have you been encouraged or stretched thus far into your internship?

I’ve been encouraged by God’s grace and mighty work He is doing in all of our hearts.

What is one of your favorite things to help with or supervise as an intern?

One of my favorite things is to go to the shop with the girls. I love to get to know them more and working together on projects to sell at Reclaimed Hope. I also love meeting with new residents the week after they arrive and go over questions they might have and highlight some of the areas girls need some extra guidance with as new residents.

Beth has done a great job at helping with new resident orientation! We are excited to see her step into new responsibilities and leadership roles as a senior intern for the second half of her internship and are so thankful for how God has used VOH to minister to her and her daughter.

Jennifer Cantu
Jennifer Cantu works as a counselor and Shift Supervisor at Vision of Hope. She received her biblical counseling certification from ACBC in 2014. In addition to working at VOH, Jennifer counsels women through Faith Church’s counseling ministry. She is very thankful for ministry opportunities to help, teach and encourage women with God's Word.