Tune My Heart

There are so many beautiful correlations to the Christian life. So much imagery that helps us see our need for God. Like the line in Come Thou Fount:

“Tune my heart to sing Thy grace”

I’m a musician, so I understand the challenge of an un-tuned instrument. It sounds awful, even in its attempt to create beautiful music. And if two instruments playing together are not in tune, they will clash terribly.

Sadly, it captures the state of my heart so frequently. We will never be free from the sinfulness in our hearts on this earth. My heart is prone to wander. My heart gets distracted by the temporary and neglects the eternal. I need my heart tuned frequently. Daily.

David captures this in the prayer of Psalm 139:23-24:

Search me, O God, and know my heart!
Try me and know my thoughts! 
And see if there be any grievous way in me,
and lead me in the way everlasting!  (ESV)

Because of the remaining sin in my heart, my heart needs daily tuning so that I can be in sync with the Father. I don’t want to be playing my own music solo. I want to be in tune with Him. This tuning comes from sitting before God with His Word open, ready to listen and obey. Asking Him to search our hearts and reveal what is true, open our eyes, and help us respond in repentance and obedience as He brings things to the light.

Tune my heart, Lord Jesus, to sing Thy grace.

Allison Griffin
One of Allison’s passions includes helping others understand and apply the gospel with grace. Allison longs for those around her to be discipled through God’s Word, and enjoys using writing as an avenue. Currently, she serves as an intern at Vision of Hope, to study and glean more experience in biblical counseling.