Many struggle to find their purpose. Those in despair feel that life is meaningless, those who are going through a trial wonder what’s the point. When faced with life’s decisions, what should be our main goal?
Knowing our goal and purpose of life affects us deeply. If a person’s goal is to have a life of ease, they may make different choices than one whose goal is to obtain control. What we set as our goal and purpose of life is important, and it is essential that we look to the Word of God for the answer to this common question: what is the purpose of life?
So we make it our goal to please Him, whether we are at home in the body or away from it. – 2 Corinthians 5:9
Isn’t God so gracious to answer this deep and pressing question so clearly in His Word? God is our Creator, and He has the say in what we should strive for in the lives we’ve been given. He has created each of us for the same purpose: to glorify Him.
This isn’t a dull calling. God in His mercy knows that when we seek to follow our true purpose of life by seeking to glorify Him in everything, we will be the most content, most satisfied, most joyful and peaceful. He has created us to find these great blessings in pursuing our goal of life, and we can trust His plan for us. After all, His knowledge is must greater and more perfect than ours.
When we seek to have God’s glory as our main goal, our decision-making begins to change. With each area of our lives and with each decision, we can ask ourselves, “if my goal in life is to please God, what would that look like right now?” Having the answer to this question brings great stability to our lives, and helps us to be God-and-other’s focused in our everyday walk.
So, the next time you are faced with temptation or a decision, no matter how small, you don’t have to feel aimless – remember that the Bible defines what your purpose of life truly is, so you can lean on that, allowing God’s goal for you to determine your steps.