After spending much time researching the topic of human trafficking, I continue to be struck by the pervasiveness of this problem that seems to be hidden in our plain sight. It is a very wicked aspect in our world today.
With Faith Church’s continuing desire to work on a project designed to offer at least one small solution to the problem of trafficking in Indiana, I am finding more information on this problem. Recently, I read this article from Answers in Genesis (AIG) discussing the prevalence of child abuse in many of the victims’ lives and continued abuse as prostitutes. It is a very dangerous life and many do not live beyond age 34 I am told. Read the article linked above for one person’s increased awareness of this issue.
Please pray for us to have wisdom as we work to offer a solution in the Tippecanoe County area and beyond. James 1:5 tells us: If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him.
-Pastor Mark E. Shaw (confident God will give us His wisdom to do His work in Indiana and beyond)