Much information about the Vision of Hope program can be found right here on our website, but sometimes further questions arise. What is a typical day like as a resident? What do the daily classes consist of? What are the rules and other responsibilities? These are just a few of the questions we are commonly asked, so we would like to answer some of those here on our blog!
One of the things our residents really enjoy is our class times. Each weekday morning, our Executive Director or one of our counselors leads a class for our Phase 1 residents covering various important topics. The classes are usually in a book-study, discussion format, where the ladies read and discuss together from various biblically-based books. Some of the classes and topics we cover include how to be a wise woman (Girls Gone Wise in a World Gone Wild by Mary Kassian), how to handle your emotions (Feelings and Faith by Brian Borgman), how the gospel impacts our daily lives (A Gospel Primer by Milton Vincent), and how to overcome addictions and relapse (The Heart of Addiction and Relapse: Biblical Prevention Strategies by Mark Shaw). These are just a sample of some of the great resources and topics our residents are able to learn, and it is always a blessing to hear them share and discuss together how the Word of God can change their lives.
We want to provide individualized, one-on-one counseling for each of our residents, as well as great opportunity to learn and grow together in everyday topics. Please pray for our residents, as they seek to learn and grow together through our class times.
Stay tuned to learn more about what we do in the Vision of Hope program! If you would like to look into some of the resources listed in this post, visit the Faith Online Bookstore here!