The God I serve is a loving God. Now I’m learning to love and admire daily. So many times in my walk with God, I ignore or am too wrapped up in myself that I fail to miss the picture of God’s perfect love for me…as He chose me before the world even existed and He knew that one day I would love and serve Him. My love for Him will never compare or come close to His unfailing love for me. He created me in His image. If that in itself is not love that please tell me what love is. He chose me to enjoy Him forever.
As I reflect back on my journey here on earth, I have a growing amazement of His divine love for me. The many times I ignored Him, had an idol before Him, the priorities that stopped me from enjoying time with Him, or even during trials and dark days-I could not show or give my love to Him-I was too wrapped in myself, but my loving God kept loving and pursuing me on a daily basis. His gentle touch, patience, and reminders reveals His jealousy and unfailing love for me and that He wants me to love and serve Him.
When I repeatedly made the same mistakes over and over, God’s unfailing love for me remains constant and faithful. When I look at the amount of irrational and stupid decisions in my life, I can now look back and see His loving intervention of giving me His love. His loving protection, His gentle loving reminders of when I plain just don’t get it, has always remained faithful. My God is a jealous God and loves me so much that He wants what is best for me. To the things I am blind and unable to see now, He lovingly reveals Himself and His true love for me.
It’s sad to me that I fully couldn’t or was unwilling to see and to fully grasp His love for me until I ended up at VOH. To say that I’m at VOH is not a bad thing but again reveals God’s pursuing love for me. To get out of myself to see Him clearly. That I’m alive and starting to see purpose in me is a major loving/faithful action on His part that I am able to see my loving God, save me from harms way time and time again. He chose to not give up on me, BUT rather to remain a faithful, loving God.