Knowing the Lord and all his many attributes, I focus on one…His Love! In John 3:16 it states “God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him, shall not perish but have eternal life.” God’s love is sacrificial. As a young child, I was forced to “earn” the love of my parents. To do chores or to answer with a “ma’am” or “sir”. I would never hear the words “I love you” for they were far too busy with their addictions to notice me. When I came to the knowledge of God’s saving grace, I was still focused on earning love. I did not know that it was a free gift. I would try and try to obey the “law”, to earn my place in glory. God does not work that way. I needed to surrender my life to him, because I loved Him, not focus on earning with works. His love is a gift, I will earn nothing.
As I learn more about God’s love, I learn that He will love me the same now and forever. He will never love me more, nor love me less for His love is perfect. So…after High School I went back to my sinful ways because I couldn’t lose his love nor earn it. So my body was taken captive by my fleshly desires. But even then, He loved me. In Isaiah 44:22 it says, “I have swept away your sins like a cloud, I have scattered your transgressions like the morning mist. Oh, return to me, for I have paid the price to set you free.”
Even when I walk away from Him, when I turn my back on God and walk in my earthly desires, He loves me! He wants to be my Heavenly Father, so that we can have the “perfect father/daughter relationship” that I long for. Why do I not run to Him? Why am I not full of joy? I have a Father who comforts me, who fights for me, who calls me home…who…loves…ME! God’s love is a self-sacrificing love, agape love. As I stated in John 3:16, He sent His Son so that I could have a relationship with him.
His love also provides for me in many other ways. It grants me joy. Joy that will strengthen my heart and my faith. His love grants me courage. Courage to fight the good fight. The fight against sin and all temptation. It also grants me assurance. Assurance that all my doubt will be removed from my mind. Assurance that He will remove all of my idols from my heart. I just need to let them go.
God is love, He is all around me, surrounding me, calling me to return home to Him. Return to Him so that He can love me, the broken hearted, scared, lonely, hateful, bitter, confused little girl. For I am His, and He calls me child.